Sunday, October 4, 2009

PRAISE -- Never tell a child s/he is "smart"!!!

I just started at discussion on my F-U-N-Training Facebook page -
PRAISE -- Never tell a child s/he is "smart"!!!

Carol Dweck, Ph.D. is the author of "Mindset", and the researcher who discovered that generic praise of intelligence, beauty, etc. actually has a DETRIMENTAL effect on kids. I created and facilitated a workshop for a local church parents group based on "Mindset" and Malcolm Gladwell's, "Outliers". The focus was the importance of EFFORT vs. the fallacy of "genius".

"NurtureShock" is an outstanding new book by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman, which is a MUST READ for parents, teachers, grandparents, etc. They cover Dweck's research in Ch. 1: The Inverse Power of Praise, which you can read an excerpt of at NPR (scroll down the page). After you read the excerpt, please take a moment to share your thoughts by commenting via the F-U-N-Training Facebook discussion page & / or commenting below. THANKS in ADVANCE for taking the time to share -- your comments help all of us (parents, teachers, professionals) do a better job helping kids and their families : )

Leah Daziens,
and F-U-N-Training & Tutoring at Facebook