Thursday, April 30, 2009


SOAPBOX (pun alert) #1 NASTY HANDS

EVERYBODY needs to wash, wash, wash those hands!!! Sing the Happy Birthday Song TWICE!

Then, KEEP those HANDS AWAY from your FACE!!!

It is completely appalling to observe the number of adults who DO NOT WASH HANDS after using a public restroom. NASTY! I say, "Call 'Em Out" w/ a VERY LOUD/ "Excuse Me! I THINK YOU FORGOT TO WASH YOUR HANDS!!!"

We should all be cleaning our hands properly & frequently THROUGHOUT the day -- remind those around you to wash up properly & frequently, too.

SOAPBOX #2 -- STAY HOME if not 100%!

If you are not 100% healthy, PLEASE STAY HOME!!! If your child is not 100%, please KEEP him or her at HOME!!!

I can't count the number of times I have gotten sick after hearing, "it's not contagious, it's just allergies". If you or your child are coughing or sneezing, you are projecting your mucous into the airspace of others. Our downfall will be the American philosophy that encourages people to go to work and school when sick.

It is just rude and selfish to take the attitude that, "it's just a cold" or "it's just allergies", while spreading illness to others. What you may think of as MILD is STILL CONTAGIOUS, and mild illness can cause SERIOUS problems for those whose immune systems are compromised: elderly, young, cancer patients, etc. Whether it's swine flu, regular flu, a cold, "allergies", just a "bug" or whatever -- KEEP IT AT HOME! DON'T SPREAD IT AROUND! PLEASE!!!

While this current swine flu is mild, it is very important to SLOW the spread of this virus in order to buy time to learn more about it and develop an effective vaccine. The faster it spreads, the more likely it is to mutate and become more virulent and deadly. This doesn't mean we need to panic, but it does mean that each of us must be responsible for doing our part to minimize spreading illness and create social pressure for others to do the same. Our area always has illness and disease circulating: MRSA, Norovirus, Measles, etc. with more exciting outbreaks always developing and threatening. So, practicing pristine hygiene is critical today, tomorrow and for the rest of our lives.

Sorry to preach, but it just makes me beyond angry that people can be so selfish by refusing to wash hands and insisting on going to work / school when ill.